What Therapy Is (and What It Isn’t)
Heading into the New Year with a Focus on Mental Health
Holiday Highlights you won’t see on Social Media
The Acceptance Spectrum
Is Happiness an Emotion or a State of Being?
Introducing Friluftsliv – Nope, It’s NOT an Ikea Flat-Pack
Calm the End of Year Chaos with This One Simple Strategy
Can We Afford To Ignore Postnatal Depression?
Find Your Tribe- Love Them Hard. But Where Do I Find Them?
Eat Your Frog First to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Productivity
The Emotional Toll of Hoarding: How It Affects Mental Health
The Art of Colouring: Calm Your Anxious Mind
Can You Trust Your Gut?
What is Cold Exposure Therapy?
How to Boost Your Mood with Food.
But Why Should I Meditate?
Through neuroplasticity, mindful meditation can alter the brain's structure physically.
This gaining in popularity idea speaks to the brain's capacity to continuously restructure and evolve throughout the course of your lifetime. Major influences on the brain include behaviour and way of life. Your brain therefore continually forms new neural connections as a result of your experience. That's because neurones (nerve cells) actively adapt to your environment's changes…
Self-Worth, What Could We Do to Improve This?
To be human is to have a sense of our own self-worth and what we will accept. Experiences and relationships that enter our life and how long they stay, can be affected by a healthy self-esteem. Self-esteem and how we perceive or value ourselves, can have a significant effect on our ability to love and be loved, to live a great life and to thrive…
Change The Colour of Your Day
When asked, many people don't know why they love the colour blue, but subconsciously it may actually be because it can have large positive effects on your mental and physical well-being…
Win The Morning, Win The Day
In my 20’s (and some of my 30’s) 4am was the time you came home from the club, not the time you woke up and started your day. I would see joggers out and about and eye the “day people” with the contempt and arrogance of a 20-year-old who lived on 2-minute noodles and potato chips but was still a size 8.
Now just a decade (or 2) later here I was starting my day at 4am by choice – sort of.