Calm the End of Year Chaos with This One Simple Strategy

Author: Chloe Taylor

As we find ourselves hurtling towards the end of the year, it's almost surreal to acknowledge how fast time has passed. This point often marks the onset of an unmistakable frenzy – a whirlwind of end of year activities, celebrations, and inevitably- Stresssssssss.


Regardless of our individual circumstances, the collective energy surrounding us can send out a palpable pressure, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and out of control.


The end of year chaos has a way of seeping into our lives, overshadowing the festive spirit with its demanding nature. From work deadlines to social obligations, the list of things to do can seem never-ending. However, amidst this whirlwind, there exists a simple yet powerful tool that can be your saving grace – lists.


Yep, you read that right – lists. But not just any lists – written lists.


The act of putting pen to paper (or fingers to the phone screen as is often the case in our digital age), can be life changing. It's not just a mundane task; it's a strategy, a coping mechanism that can help you navigate the confusing mazes and rabbit-holes of end of year chaos.


Why are lists are the unsung heroes of this hectic season?


Firstly, the act of jotting down your tasks can be a cathartic experience. In a world buzzing with notifications and virtual clutter, the tangible act of writing brings a sense of clarity to your goals. It's a deliberate pause in the fast-paced digital day, allowing you to ground yourself and engage with your thoughts in a more deliberate manner.


The very process of creating a list forces you to confront the chaos head-on. Instead of letting the long list of tasks swirl around in your head, putting them down onto paper brings a sense of order and calm.


The power of clarity cannot be overstated. By transferring your mental clutter to a written format, you're essentially decluttering your mind. This not only streamlines your thought process but also provides a visual roadmap of what lies ahead (it's the difference between navigating a dense forest blindfolded and having a well-marked path to follow).

So, why a written list?

In an age dominated by digital tools and apps, the act of physically writing has taken a backseat for the majority of us. There's an undeniable magic in the tactile connection between your brain and the paper, plus the neural pathways activated when you write something down also creates a stronger memory trace compared to typing.


As you prepare to get to work on your list (or lists!) there are a few tried and true pointers we can help with.


Grab a cuppa and sit somewhere comfortable and quiet (if possible).


The next step is important. Brain-dump. Just get everything that’s swirling around your head onto that paper without analysing it or trying to work out what to do with it, just write it all down. This simple act alone can be incredibly powerful in reducing stress, try it anytime, just purge.


Once you have a clearer and calmer mind, you can take all the things that you actually need to do and write them on a separate piece of paper- THIS is your list. When you can see the words laid out on a page, it’s so much easier to decipher which tasks belong on your list and which ones are mere clutter that you can chuck out with the brain-dump.


You might also want to consider prioritising tasks based on urgency and/or importance and get onto those ones first– we call that ‘Eating your frog first’.


As the year hurtles towards its finale, it's crucial to adopt strategies that preserve your sanity amidst the chaos. Lists, especially written ones, emerge as your reliable BFF in getting sh*t done. So embrace the power of pen and paper, and watch as the seemingly insurmountable mountain of tasks fall into a manageable order.


It's not just about conquering your to-do list; it's about reclaiming control and finding a sense of calm to head into the brand new year!

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