Rebeca Little

Director / Support Coordinator

Rebeca has over a decade in the industry having started with a not-for-profit community-organisation in 2012 which worked in partnership with people with a disability, mental illness, aged care, and ran family and children's services. She started out running the children's programs before gaining experience working across different programs including mental health, which is where she felt she could have the biggest impact. 

Rebeca was exposed to complex needs from a young age, spending school holidays working with her Aunty who was a manager at a day program for people with Cerebral Palsy.

Rebeca has become very passionate about understanding the complexities of mental health and how to assist people on their individual journey and road to recovery. 

Having a family member with a psychosocial disability who went undiagnosed for many years and didn’t receive the treatment or support they needed, Bec now understands that at that point in time mental health simply wasn't as widely spoken about or recognised. 

No two people are the same, just like no two NDIS plans are the same. Each person is  unique and she enjoys supporting people tailored to their needs.

When asked what her special industry superpower is she replied: “I’m not sure I have a speciality but I enjoying making things happen. I'll keep practicing until l I figure things out. If I see a challenge, I'll keep looking for the solution until I reach the desired outcome.”

In her free time you'll find her spending time with her big rambunctious family, good friends or at the dog park (shhhh, don't say it too loud) with her fur babies Charlie and Lady.