Emma Weatherstone

Counsellor / Recovery Coach

With 50 countries under her belt, it’s  evident that this hearted-centred world traveller relishes human connection and exploring different cultures.

Emma is devoted to mental health, appreciating the uniqueness of every person she meets. Em truly believes that all people have something beautiful to share with the world and loves holding space for people, saying it’s an honour to help them move forward and knock down barriers to increase their quality of life on their own terms.

Emma feels a strong connection with nature and loves the outdoors, often using nature therapy in her multifaceted approach to recovery.

20 years in the industry has given Emma a broad range of experience from support work to coordinating and managing programs, including running a Mental Health Recovery program for 7 years at a large not for profit organisation. In 2014 she completed a Double Diploma of Mental Health/Alcohol and other drugs, followed by her Diploma in Counselling in 2017. 

An enthusiastic gardener, Emma enjoys being in her garden affirming that with patience, care, and nurturing you can joyfully witness the many plants bloom into their potential- not unlike people when given the support and safe environment to let themselves shine. 

Emma is a Swiss Army knife when it comes to pairing with clients. Her old soul makes connecting with mature clients a smooth process, while her young and open heart bonds her well with younger generations. Regardless of who Emma is linking arms with she is focussed on connecting them to the right supports and places strong emphasis on realistic goal setting. 

Emma says she loves helping people feel comfortable, welcome, and included. She knows she has chosen the right career path when watching her clients grow and develop to see their own potential and she has put down her roots on the Gold Coast to service our mental health community.