Elicia Avery

Support Coordinator

With 10 years’ experience rostering as a staffing coordinator, Elicia is used to thriving in high pressure and fast paced environments, saying she is her best while in crisis management and enjoys the turbulence and problem solving within rostering and coordinating. 

Elicia is a down to earth people person, relating to clients from all walks of life and her excellent judge of character means she is intuitively responsive to the needs of her clients.

Elicia loves building relationships with newly onboarded clients, playing match-maker to ensure her clients are paired with the right support workers who will enhance their experience and best support their growth. 

Her most profound realisation since working in the field of mental health is that mental illness does not discriminate, witnessing highly accomplished people become humbled by a mental health condition. 

This has provided Elicia the valuable lesson that there are many ways to support and help people manage and grow through mental health challenges. 

Running with the common thread of social connection woven deep within the team at Harmony, this social butterfly also cherishes her friends and family and can usually be found on weekends enjoying breakfast out at local trendy cafes and hosting dinner parties.